Warsaw Community Schools (WCS) is proud to announce a grant award of $150,000. On November 1, this grant was provided by the Zimmer Biomet Foundation for WCS to continue the expansion of STEM initiatives. Throughout the 2021-22 school year, WCS will focus on providing targeted professional development in Project-Based Learning, expanding classroom and building-level supplies, maintaining STEM-focused personnel, and continuing the annual Elementary Robotics Showcase.
The support of Zimmer Biomet and the Zimmer Biomet Foundation has assisted WCS in producing a rigorous and high-quality STEM curriculum. “Zimmer Biomet and the Zimmer Biomet Foundation have substantially improved our ability to bring access and equity to all students within STEM education,” shared Josh Wall, Principal at Jefferson Elementary. “The resources that the Zimmer Biomet Foundation has provided have given all students opportunities to work collaboratively, develop communication skills, and engage in hands-on learning opportunities.”
Zimmer Biomet has also provided classroom volunteers, which has helped to integrate multiple content standards and real-world problems and solutions with experts in the field as authentic partners. Classroom volunteers help demonstrate how STEM impacts others and inspires students; students can see themselves in those STEM careers. Extended learning continues to promote further opportunities to investigate and pursue an interest in everything from gardening to robotics.
WCS recently adopted the new 2021-25 strategic plan with a multitude of feedback from internal and external stakeholders including parents, students, staff, and community members. Four strategic planning pillars were developed as a result: experience, empathy, adaptability, and inclusivity. Adaptability and experience are two of WCS’s strategic planning pillar teams developing key STEM-focused action items. A few of these initiatives include project-based learning, workforce & life skills, career pathway portfolios, and work-based learning. Zimmer Biomet is one of the key community partners that continues to be at the table for these strategic planning discussions.
To learn more about WCS’s strategic plan, visit www.warsawschools.org.
The financial support and encouragement from Zimmer Biomet and the Zimmer Biomet Foundation are what local community education is all about- everyone working together to provide high-quality education for our students. These learning experiences are made possible by our strong partnership thanks to Zimmer Biomet and the Zimmer Biomet Foundation,” added Ben Barkey, Principal at Madison Elementary School.
WCS administrators and instructional coaches are working to ensure that STEM education is protected and guaranteed to all students. It is partners such as Zimmer Biomet and the Zimmer Biomet Foundation that make this possible and WCS is grateful for their contributions.
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