If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact one of the people listed below.
Phone: (574) 267-7361
Kaitlyn Terpstra - Building Secretary kterpstra@warsawschools.org
Nicole Smith - Administrative Assistant nicolesmith@warsawschools.org
Please help us by getting your student to school/class on time! School begins at 9:10am on T-F and 10:00am on Mondays.
If your child is absent please call the school at (574) 267-7361 to report their absence. Please leave a message if we are unable to answer, we check the machine regularly. Students not called in as absent by 10am may be marked as unexcused.
Please turn all Doctor's notes in to the school office so we can clear your student's attendance.
Reminder: Students are limited to 7 parent excused absences per year. Each absence (vacation, mild illness, family emergency) counts toward the limit of 7 absences as stated above. After the allowed day limit, each additional absence must be covered by a Doctor's note to be excused.
Students who will miss school due to a pre-planned educational activity should complete the attendance exception. This must be filled out and turned in to the office at least 5 school days before the absence. Once approved, absences will be cleared by school staff.
Attendance Exception:
Exception Forms
Attendance and Truancy, Policy #5200 Students who attend school consistently and are on time develop better socially, establish better communications with their teachers, acquire important lifetime habits such as dependability, self-sufficiency, and responsibility and have more success academically.