Dr.  David Hoffert

Warsaw Community Schools would like to thank the Warsaw Police department and other local authorities for their assistance throughout the day to ensure school safety.  Due to the national social media threat, extra presence and supervision was conducted by local authorities.  While no credible threats were made, teachers, administrators and law enforcement were inundated with the national social media frenzy.  These types of incidents unnecessarily raise the level of anxiety for students, teachers and community; diverting valuable resources away from our classrooms.

Any student caught spreading rumors or making threats will be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law by local authorities and will face severe school disciplinary consequences.  WCS needs your partnership to speak with their children about the proper use of social media. Anyone with a safety concern can report it to TIPLINE. If you see something, say something at 1-833-300STOP.


 #wcsmission #ForwardTogether